Monday, March 12, 2012

The beginning of the end.

The end of my lifelong career as a carnivore, that is.

From mid-March to mid-April, I will forgo any and all chicken, beef, pork, turkey, venison, duck, goose and so on and so forth. It's not that long a time frame, but spending the vast majority of my life in Texas has fostered a strong affinity -- an addiction is more like it -- for all things barbecued, burgered and baconated.

Why: There are a host of reasons, not the least of which being dietary. I seem to find that the older I get (the exact number shall remain unspecified) the more meat seems to sap my energy. Vegetarianism is more cost-efficient, more environmentally friendly and far less guilt-inducing (cows are just too dang adorable with their big brown eyes and furry ears).

The Rules

  • Absolutely no meat. From midnight March 15 to midnight April 15. The one exception will be allowing fish, only in restaurants and only in truly desperate situations.
  • Protein replacement at every meal. Eggs, beans, tofu, seitan...wide open to suggestions. 
  • Workout maintenance. In order to wholly assess the impact of this lifestyle change, all exercise habits and lengths must remain at their current level of time and intensity.

A Texan without meat is like a preacher without a Bible. Hence the hullabaloo, the utter and all-consuming dread, and, of course, this blog, where I'll post recipes, updates and stories from what is sure to be a very (to put it politely) interesting journey. 

It's an experiment I've contemplated undertaking for quite some time now, but only recently have been inspired to move forward with, when a dear friend pointed out how cavalierly we slaughter and devour other mammals. "But they're delicious," I replied, and though that'd worked as justification for many years up 'til now, it no longer struck a chord. 

I don't expect to be perfect. I just expect to accomplish this thing -- this thing which, in the grand scheme of things, is not that big of a thing. It certainly won't be the hardest thing I've ever done, my stunning lack of impulse control be damned, but it might be the most sweeping nutritional change I've yet made. And it's certainly not forever, either -- once my month is up and I assess my state of being, I may wind up with a rack of ribs in my lap. So please send me your advice, recipes and other ideas on transitioning. I could really use y'all's help!


  1. Looks like you're on to something...

  2. Saying you are "wide open" to "protein suggestions" is risky.

  3. I need to do something like this too! I hate the way meat makes me feel and after reading "Skinny Bitch" it made me never want to eat meat again. Have you read it?! If not, you need to!

    - Leslie

  4. It's easier than it looks. I've been a vegetarian for 10 years -- and I wrote poetry about bacon as a kid. Be on the lookout for something called "quorn" -- it's the best fake meet on the market for my money.

  5. Good for you! After quitting smoking, going vegetarian was the greatest change I ever made.

  6. I have often thought about going vegetarian. I only eat chicken/turkey and fish. I will be following this blog to see how you are doing and check out your recipes. Good Luck:)
