Monday, April 2, 2012

250-calorie pizza. seriously.

There are few things in this world that I love more than pizza. But alas, indulging in it on a daily basis has for dietary purposes long been verboten -- until now.

Then, god willing, along came these:

it's not just a wrap. 
What appears to be your average wrap is in all reality an incognito, exceptionally thin pizza crust. And once I was through with it, it looked like this:

only 250 calories. seriously.

1 100-calorie rosemary wrap (in the deli section)
3 tbsp marinara sauce
red bell peppers
1/4 cup part-skim reduced-fat mozzarella cheese

Bake wrap at 380 for 8 minutes. While crust is baking, sautee red peppers, onions and mushrooms. Remove crust from oven and top with marinara sauce, mozzarella cheese and sauteed veggies. Bake at 380 for 10-12 minutes. Shovel into face.

1 comment:

  1. Is shoveling into face required, or just a likely outcome given the olefactory and constitutional gloriousness of the end product? In any event, love eating well for 250 calories, and LOVE the bottle of Jack in the background.
